What is so wrong with these "Scary" Women?

Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann, Scary ladies?  Yes, but only if you are part of the Populist Machine.

2012 is coming and we have all types of people poking their heads up out of their burrows to test out the political winds.  Lets take Donald Trump for example.  He is straight forward and  outspoken.  The Media (Fox included) is saying he is the only one that is giving Obama a run for his money.  But I beg to differ.  There are two ladies that have continuously fought back against Obama for the last 2 years.  They are doing it loud and proud.  So I ask myself why is everyone saying that Trump is the only one with a voice?

Is it a women thing?  (is that using the "Woman Card"?)

The Media says that they are just bimbos with loud mouths. Even during the 2008 Elections many asked who will take care of Sarah Palin's downs child if she is gallivanting all over the Country being Vice President.  Seems they where unaware that Palin has a husband that is also very capable.  Michele Bachmann is also a mother of 5 (i believe).  If she decides to run in 2012 you know that the libs will bring this up.  She too has a husband that is very capable.

Is this Country really not ready to take a women serious as a Presidential Candidate?  And I mean a real woman, One with class and principals.   Even my fellow Conservatives seem to be shying away from it.  Why?  These women have good voting records and have stood with The People more then anyone in Washington.  So why keep blowing off the question of "Are they qualified?"  

I do not know if I want either of these women to run for President but why arent we talking about it?


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